Friday, June 13, 2014


I have never made a chevron quilt before and am am amazed how beautiful they can be.  My process went like this: I was playing with 1/2 square triangles putting them in various configurations on my makeshift design wall.  ( not the greatest pictures )

I was amazed at all the possible looks and variations but settled on a chevron pattern as Chevrons are striking and allow for a diversity of quilting in the white spaces.  I use "paper" (by 53) or SketchbookPro for quick sketching and practicing my longarm quilting motions (similar but easier than an Etch A Sketch!) and I can store them easier than paper. 

I used a green Minky backing and Marcia Derse's Mosaic 10" squares (Windham) for the top (cotton fabric). 

I free motion quilted it on my non-stitch regulated Sweet16 that I am able to move to this great 6 foot ArtQuilter frame I bought from Martha ( in 2011. It's a great frame and it's portable.  Takes less than a half hour to set it up on any six foot table.  Great for art or baby quilts.  But, it's not big enough for stuff I want to do three years later.  Should have bought the bigger one!

In the white spaces the design is a loose flower motif at each point and straight lines in between.  On the chevron itself I chose to use a meandering stipple.  I was traveling way too fast for the speed of my needle and although the stitches are pretty regular I found a few eyelashes on the rounded corners.....lesson learned :-).  

  I think it turned out quite nice! 

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